Make your voice heard
ALEBA is a neutral union meaning that is not subject to any political pressure. It guarantees its total independence through its financing, which is based entirely and exclusively on its members' subscriptions.
The ALEBA method is a personalised approach that takes into account the individual and unique needs of each member. This individual approach is important to us, because it is the only way to provide complete satisfaction to those who place their trust in us. All our services have been designed to enable us to respond to you in a timely manner. Where necessary, we also call upon experienced and reliable external lawyers. For ALEBA, social dialogue is fundamental as it is the only way to forge lasting change and give workers a voice.
In the fields of labour, social and tax law.
(After the six- month waiting period) in the event of a dispute in the workplace or with social institutions.
By becoming a member, you strengthen ALEBA and contribute to increasing the union's power with regard to employers.
ALEBA has formed multiple partnerships in different sectors. Our members and their families enjoy very attractive terms & conditions and discounts.
For only €17.95/month, access the services of a powerful, experienced trade union that is always ready to listen to its members.