The ALEBA Mutual Association was founded on 20 October 1928, ten years after the eponymous "Sterbekasse des Luxemburger Bankbeamtenvereins" trade union.
On 11 July 1929, its statutes were approved by the competent Ministry under the name "Caisse de Décès de l'Association des Employés de Banque" (Bank Employees' Death Benefit Fund Association ). A little later, it became an affiliated member of the Fédération Nationale des Sociétés Luxembourgeoises de Secours Mutuels (FSSM), today known as the Fédération Nationale de la Mutualité Luxembourgeoise (FNML).
In 1964, following changes in the insurance sector, it was renamed Caisse de Décès de l'Association Luxembourgeoise des Employés de Banques et d'Assurances (Death Benefit Fund of the Luxembourg Association of Banking and Insurance Employees). After the split with the Fédération des Employés Privés (FEP) in 1979, under the presidency of Eugène Storck, it was renamed Mutuelle de l'ALEBA (ALEBA Mutual Association).
In 1994, Marc Glesener, the president of ALEBA, handed over the reins to Pierre Back, a former secretary general of ALEBA. In 2001 on the instructions of the Conseil Supérieur de la Mutualité (High Council of Mutual Societies) a separation of management took place between the union and the Mutual Association.
In 2018, under the presidency of Pierre Back, the Mutual Association celebrated its 90th anniversary of presence on the Luxembourg mutualist scene.
In 2019, after 25 years at the helm of the Mutual Association, Pierre Back handed over the reins to Gilbert Beffort.
ALEBA Mutual Association's statutes effective as of 1 June 2024 :here.
The purpose of the Mutual Association is to provide its members with:
1. Financial assistance for health care not covered by compulsory health insurance, as defined in point b) of Article 7 of the Articles of Association
(Mutual_Request for reimbursement Social Fund)
(Appendix Social Fund Reimbursement Request)
(Mutual_Social Fund Regulations)
2. A death benefit paid to any legal heirs
3. A birth grant
A bonus of €150 (amended amount applicable from 1 June 2024) is paid on the birth or adoption of a child. To claim this allowance, please send the child's birth/adoption certificate to mutuelle@aleba.lu.
4. Driver's licence extension fee (applies as of 1 January 2021)
The Mutuelle will reimburse the cost of the compulsory medical examination, up to a maximum of €65, for the extension of the driving licence, on presentation of the medical consultation bill.
5. CMCM membership
Members can join the Caisse Médico Complémentaire Mutualiste (CMCM) and its special PrestaPlus, DentaPlus and OptiPlus schemes.
At the FNML's Ordinary General Meeting on 23 May 2024, Alain Back was elected as a member of the FNML's Board of Directors, joining Pierre Back, the FNML's current Vice-Chairman and Head of History and Archives.
At the CMCM congress held on 19 September 2020 in Mondorf, Fernand Fischer was re-elected to the Board of Directors. He was then elected CMCM Vice-Chairman at the Board meeting following the congress.
These appointments reflect the commitment of our representatives to the mutualist cause and the excellence of their work within the CMCM and the FNML. They also demonstrate the high regard in which ALEBA is held by all mutual benefit societies.
Since 23 May 2024, the Board of Directors of the Mutuelle de l'ALEBA has been composed as follows:
President | Gilbert Beffort |
Vice Presidents | Nico Diedenhofen |
Secretary | Arsène Kihm |
Treasurer | Christian Hoeltgen |
Members | Alain Back, Pierre Back, Denise Berens, Fernand Fischer, Astrid Brenner |
An ordinary and extraordinary general assembly of the ALEBA Mutual took place on 13 June 2024 in the "Chambre des Salariés".
An ordinary and extraordinary general assembly of the ALEBA Mutual took place on 23 April 2023 in Munsbach.
On 10 June 2022, the AGM of the ALEBA Mutual Association was held in Munsbach. Here are the minutes.
On 18 September 2020, the Extraordinary and Ordinary General Meetings of the ALEBA Mutual Association were held. The purpose of the Extraordinary General Meeting was to modify the statutes, in particular by adding new benefits for all members of ALEBA and the Amicale Pensioners' Association.
You will find the minutes of the AGMs by clicking here
The 2019 General Meeting of the ALEBA Mutual Association was held on 10 May 2019 in Munsbach. Here are the minutes of the AGM.
The 2018 General Meeting of the ALEBA Mutual Association was held on 27 April 2018 in Munsbach. In the presence of a large assembly, the committee of the Mutual Association reported on the 2017 tax year, and presented its scope of action and the multiple interventions it carried out during the past year.
Here are the minutes of the AGM.
The 2017 General Meeting of the ALEBA Mutual was held on 7 April 2017 at the Légère Premium Hotel in Munsbach. Here are the minutes of the AGM.