
The Amicale Pensioners' Association

The Amicale des Membres Pensionnés de l'ALEBA (ALEBA Pensioners' Association) was created on 23 May 1978. At the constituent General Meeting, the members adopted statutes containing 32 articles. The Amicale association is managed by a ten-person committee comprising a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and members of the association. PDF of the current statues

The objectives of the association are to maintain ties between its members and their working colleagues, as well as defending the social interests of its members, and linking its members to the Mutuelle de l'ALEBA (healthcare plan) as honorary members.

The association currently has 1,150 members. The annual fee is a mere €12.00.

Committee members meet six times a the year to organise three trips in Luxembourg or abroad, as well as participating in ALEBA activities. Moreover, the association's committee convenes its members to the General Meeting, which always takes place in the first half of each year.

Cancellation of the General Meeting of the ALEBA pensioners' association scheduled on 20 November 2020.

To view the Committee's letter, please click here


The Amicale pensioners' association gives ALEBA a cheque for €3,000

On the occasion of ALEBA's 100th Anniversary, the committee of the pensioners' association presented a cheque for €3,000 to the President of ALEBA in the presence of members of the Executive Committee on 7 June 2018.

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2018 Trips and Events Calendar:

  • 18 January: ALEBA's New Year function at KNOKKE OUT
  • 23 April: evening information session on inheritance issues presented by the Notary, Mr Tholl, at the Hotel Légère in Munsbach
  • 26 April: ALEBA General Meeting
  • 5 June: ALEBA's 100th anniversary party at the Cercle Cité starting at 6:30 p.m.
  • 7 June: visit to the CNA (National Audio-visual Centre) in Dudelange followed by an ordinary General Meeting held at the Casino restaurant in Dudelange
  • 13 September: city tour of Maastricht with shopping
  • 10 October: visit to the European institutions in Kirchberg with explanations from Charles Goerens

2017 Trips and Events Calendar:

  • 19 January: ALEBA's New Year function
  • 18 May: visit to the Bitburg Brewery in Bitburg. Lunch at the Steinmetz restaurant in Bech followed by the ordinary General Meeting.
  • 13 June: visit to the European Parliament in Strasbourg
  • June: ALEBA's General Meeting
  • 21 September: visit to the inclined plane boat lift in Saint Louis, France
  • 9 November: visit to the new BCEE headquarters on Avenue de la Liberté in Luxembourg plus a tour of their museum

2016 Trips and Events Calendar:

  • 14 January 2016: participation in the New Year's reception hosted by ALEBA.
  • 22 September 2016: Mosel River Cruise on the Marie-Astrid from Grevenmacher to Saarburg (and back).

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Amicale 5.jpg2015 Trips and Events Calendar:

  • 8 January 2015: New Year's function hosted by ALEBA.
  • 23 April 2015: visit to the European Parliament in Brussels

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  • 18 June 2015: visit to the Fonds de Belval site in Esch/Alzette (former steel plant) followed by the annual General Meeting of the ALEBA pensioners' association
  • June 2015: particpation in ALEBA's annual General Meeting
  • 1 October 2015: visit to the Bofferding Brewery in Bascharage
  • 20 October 2015: second visit to the European Parliament in Brussels

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Committee members of the Amicale pensioners' association:

Guillaume Laugs , President
Denise Berens, Vice President
Fernand Fischer, Secretary
Théo Weber, Treasurer

Members: Gilbert Beffort, Kimmes Gaby, Doris Schaus-Ternig, Robert Wolff and Viviane Zeimetz-Lemmer

Auditors: François Theis and Ugen Aly

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Contacts :

Laugs Guillaume Fischer Fernand
Phone: 325073 / 621195201 Phone: 312573 / 621193217
Email: willaugs@pt.lu Email: fischerf@pt.lu



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