Make your voice heard
On July 4th 2023, the staff delegation of DZ PRIVATBANK S.A. / IPConcept(Luxembourg) S.A. once again organized an action to promote the ALEBA trade union at the casino during the lunch break.
Since 2013, the ALEBA list has been represented exclusively on the staff delegation, with a total of 16 delegates and one safety delegate active on the team.
The aim of these actions was to enthuse staff about ALEBA's politically neutral union work, and to recruit new members. There was a resounding success, with employees informed and made aware of the benefits of union membership.
Young employees were made aware of the fact that membership is free up to the age of 30. Some future retirees also showed interest in joining the Mutuelle (supportive insurance). Negotiations on the collective agreement, in particular, help all employees to obtain secure working conditions, such as minimum wages in the tariff groups and leave rules. Thanks to the presence of Sandra Carvalho/Coordination, ALEBA had a face within the company DZ PRIVATBANK S.A. / IPConcept(Luxembourg) S.A. The staff representation thanks her for her assistance.
As the collective bargaining agreement applies to all employees for reasons of equal treatment, it also happens that employees outside the collective bargaining agreement benefit from its agreements.
ALEBA also provides valuable support in the following areas:
It provides individual legal assessment of Luxembourg labor and social law, also in German or English.
It provides us with information material on all relevant topics (labor law, social security and Luxembourg labor policy).
It organizes training courses.
It supports delegates in matters of social plans and company agreements.
Membership also offers benefits and support in the form of integrated insurance benefits.
Any questions? Don't hesitate to contact us: