
Caroline MARCHOUL: « Encouraging a calm and benevolent dialogue, that is my vision of trade unionism. »

Caroline has been a social worker in the Grand Duchy for about 15 years. After a career in the Gendarmerie of Arlon dealing with victim assistance, she joined Quintet (KBL) in the socio-psychological support of the staff.

Well-being at work, foot reflexology, stress management, long-term illness, bereavement, ... Caroline has accompanied all professionals in the banking sector for many years towards adapted solutions.

« I discovered trade unionism through Laurent Mertz, Christian Hoeltgen and Marc Glesener, all 3 at Quintet. »

Taking care of people, promoting a serene and benevolent dialogue: this is her vision of trade unionism, a vision she shares with ALEBA.

« At ALEBA, we take a step back, we don't react on the spot.  »

Today, Caroline wishes to bring her years of expertise in the social field in close collaboration with the legal department on Mondays and Thursdays, from 8:00 to 17:00.

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