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Historical union of the Luxembourg financial center, ALEBA become a union for all and is open to other sectors. The President Roberto Mendolia provides an update at the beginning of March 2023 on the values, the new challenges and means put in place.

Since the beginning of his presidency, Roberto Mendolia has never hidden his desire to open up to other sectors of professional activity. It is a necessary turning point to influence and advance all sectors to the realities of the present.


This Tuesday 21st March 2023 marks the beginning of a new start for ALEBA, which become the union of all the sectors.


A page turns, and a new one takes place, tinged with the perseverance and strong values that have formed ALEBA for over a century. Integrity, collaboration, equity, social justice, inclusion and diversity: ALEBA is and will remain the only human-centered union that avoids any political strategy.


We wish to export to other sectors our successes and solutions on issues that we all face, since everywhere we see the same problems!


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Many employees leaving the financial sector are surprised not to be able to vote for ALEBA, which has helped them so much. They want the opportunity to support their union once again. We want to continue to help and accompany these employees who want ALEBA to defend them in their sector.

At the same time, our members coordinators note that every day that ALEBA is solicited by professionals from all sectors who, having heard about the successes of ALEBA, want to be defended by a union on a human scale.


But also, and especially because ALEBA supports many causes such as that of border workers, who must be able to speak with one voice.


Law articles about “Representativeness” are a major weakness of the Luxembourg social model. Trade unionism is politicised, but we must gather unions in a common combat! We cannot limit the choice of workers to two politicised unions by closing the door to the voice of Neutral. It is a danger for the democracy and the plurality of opinions: it is our neutrality that allows us to denounce political agreements, what should be the norm in a democratic state. We are the ones who listen and relay. We do not follow a single, preconceived pattern.



In the imagination of many, a union is a blind ans systematic. ALEBA is far from this caricature. It is a unique independent dialogue partner. There is no sponsorship, no anonymous sponsor. We live only with the support of our members, to whom we owe quality service.

Local, national, and regional decision makers can tell you: ALEBA is a true partner of social dialogue.


Representatives of the personnel are the leaders of ALEBA: this is what distinguish us from the others unions. ALEBA representatives are professionals of the sector in which they work. They know everything about it, and they are the leader of ALEBA.
Representatives of new sectors joining ALEBA will be the leader of these new branch in the union. We will give them the way to act and the necessary tools.


Currently, only certain employees benefit from collective agreements in specific sectors. ALEBA wants that every employee benefits from collective agreement. In order to achieve this, we actively collaborate with lawyers and law firms that will be one of the driving forces behind our expansion.


Unaffiliated employees all have the right of speak. ALEBA invites them to join on its behalf!


You can see, the identity is preserved but it is no more limited to the sectors of the bank and the insurance. We have not only adapted our graphic identity to reflect this openness. The acronym ALEBA will now be known as “l’Association Luxembourgeoise de tous les Employés ayant Besoin d’Assistance”!


On our newly released site, the employee can complete his application form according to his profile. Novelty: ALEBA whishes to raise awareness of youth concerning the work the union realizes everyday by offering membership to those aged under 30. An opportunity for the young employees to be accompanied from the cradle of their career to their pension with advice about their rights, health and gains.


Since 105 yeah now, ALEBA accompanies employees of the bank and insurance sector in their fight. From now on, no one will be left behind. A new proof, if one was needed, that ALEBA evolve according to the need of each one.


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