Sunday, 8 September 2024
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Investing in well-being at work: an imperative for employee fulfillment

Frédéric Roveda has been Vice-President of ALEBA for the past four years. For many years at Société Générale, Frédéric has made well-being at work a top priority. This decision stems from a desire to guarantee the well-being of employees while boosting their productivity. Well-being in the workplace has become a crucial issue for employee representatives:

"Our role as employee rights advocates is not limited to negotiating fair working conditions, but also to promoting a healthy and fulfilling working environment."

Well-being at work is more than just a benefit for employees; it's a strategic investment for companies. Organizations that value employee well-being reap numerous benefits, including increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, and stronger talent retention.


"In these times when teleworking has become commonplace, it is essential that we adapt".

Here are a few concrete examples of what we can achieve in collaboration with employers:

  • Teleworking: Promote a balanced teleworking policy that allows employees to work flexibly while maintaining effective communication and collaboration with their colleagues.
  • Creating internal clubs: Encourage the creation of internal clubs within the company, whether they be book clubs, sports clubs, volunteer groups or other leisure activities. These clubs strengthen sociability among employees and provide opportunities for informal collaboration.
  • Internal sponsoring: Set up internal sponsoring programs, where more experienced or senior employees guide and support their less experienced colleagues. This facilitates mentoring and strengthens links between generations.
  • Flexible working hours: Work in partnership with employers to introduce flexible working hours that make it easier for employees to reconcile their professional and personal lives.
  • Training and development programs: In a world undergoing constant digital transformation, ongoing training and professional development programs are essential to enhance employees' skills. They must be adapted to current and future needs, whether they work in the office or remotely.
  • Ergonomic workspaces: advocate the creation of ergonomic workspaces in the office and at home, guaranteeing the comfort and health of employees, even when teleworking.
  • Professional psychological support: Stewards and human resources staff are trained to provide initial help and refer you to professionals such as psychologists, occupational medicine, lawyers and other experts, should the need arise. It's crucial that employees know where to turn for help tailored to their needs.
  • Annual medal ceremony: Organize an annual medal ceremony to honor former employees who have made outstanding contributions to the company, and to recognize the achievements of the new generation. This reinforces a sense of belonging and celebrates the diversity of talent within the organization.
  • Team-building events: Encourage the holding of team-building events, even at a distance, focused on strengthening collaboration and communication skills, which in turn contribute to greater team effectiveness.
  • Casual Staff Party: Organize a less institutional, more casual Staff Party, such as a day out at the park, a friendly picnic, or a barbecue, where employees can relax, socialize, and celebrate in an informal setting, strengthening bonds within the company.
  • Workplace sports classes: Offer workplace sports classes or memberships to fitness centers, promoting employees' physical health and their ability to maintain a high level of energy and efficiency.
"In addition, let's consider a less institutional and more casual Staff Party, such as a day out in the park or a friendly picnic, where everyone can relax, socialize and celebrate in an informal setting."

These initiatives, geared towards relaxation, collaboration, and communication, promote efficiency in the workplace, whether in a traditional office or telecommuting. Together, as union partners and employers, we have the power to create work environments where every employee feels valued, supported and motivated to give their best.

Frédéric would like to express his gratitude to ALEBA and the delegations that support this type of initiative:

"I would also like to express my deep gratitude to the ALEBA union, my team delegates and all the employees who support these ideas and work every day to improve well-being at work. Your commitment and collaboration are essential to advancing these initiatives and creating more fulfilling working environments for all."

Please feel free to share your own workplace well-being initiatives or contact Frédéric directly to discuss how we can work together to create more fulfilling working environments, whatever challenges the future may bring.

Together, we can make a difference!


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Please note: 

Our offices are exceptionally closed on Friday 6 Septembre from 12pm on. We invite you to call us back on Monday 9 September at 10am or to contact us by email via info@aleba.lu. Thank you!