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Visit to the Ministry of Finance - Monday 21 November 2022

On Monday 21 November 2022, a delegation of the Executive Committee composed of Federal President Roberto Mendolia and Vice-President Jean-Jacques Rieff, accompanied by Board members Jean-Philippe Mansard, Ingo Repplinger and Ralf Paessler met with Finance Minister Yuriko Backes.

ALEBA's leaders wanted to submit to the Minister some key issues that raise many questions among employees. Cross-border agreements and their grey areas were at the heart of the discussion.

ALEBA wanted to submit suggestions to improve the agreements, such as the possible increase of the tax threshold for sectors where it is possible to telework. Other issues raised were the non-premium of part-time employees and the thorny issue of on-call employees.

The committee members also discussed the French tax system, the reimbursement of mileage expenses, inflation, and the index.

The Minister was able to offer a sympathetic ear and spoke out in favor of more flexibility in the management of working time, in sectors where this is possible. Nevertheless, these proposals are still under discussion with the European authorities.

The meeting concluded with a promise to relay, in the framework of transnational discussions with her counterparts, the points relating to non-premoratization, on-call duty, and the introduction of so-called "buffer zones" (where it would be tolerated, for a certain period of time per day, to work from home without being considered as teleworking).



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